Friday, May 11, 2012

Case Study: Overcoming Fear of Failure

In the PLC coaches training, we discuss a scenario where a volleyball player is due up for their turn in the service rotation, and they are afraid to mess up. What do you do as the coach?

In a powerful way, a very similar situation happened this last season in volleyball. Here is one coach's story:

"One boy would get so distraught from the pressure, that I sat him more than some of the others in fear that he was going to cry.  He really had a hard time keeping it together. We all talked at the next practice about composure, grace, and confidence. He improved greatly in the next match!"

This coach strategically used time in practice to discuss composure, grace, and confidence. That communication helped the team support one another and this player was able to overcome his fear of failure. What would you have done in this situation? Have you had a similar situation with a player's fear of failure?

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